Saturday, September 11, 2010

Domesticated! >:(

Awhile ago, during dinner, Kurtis and I were looking at our peach tree in the backyard.  He turns to me, and says, "You should can some peaches this year.  Then the kids can have them to eat in the winter."  What!?  A little piece of me died inside.  I have never had any desire whatsoever to can peaches!  Never.  Ever.  I hate canned peaches.  I don't like baked fruit.  Or fruit that is mushy.  It must be fresh, and crisp.  Like God intended.  But I knew I would do it.  I knew I would do it because he asked me to.  In his defense, he promised to help me.  I thought it was a strange request, though.  He hates peaches.  When we bought our house, and found out the tree in the backyard was a peach tree, he wanted to cut it down.  The only reason we didn't was because his mother said, "Don't you dare!  I love peaches, and I want some!"  I borrowed my mother's canning pot.  She gave me some jars.  I bought the tongs and funnel.  Today, we picked a butt load of peaches, cut them up, and bought a butt load of strawberries, mushed them up, and made strawberry peach jam, and also canned a bunch of peaches.  I also made some regular strawberry jam, too.  I bought way more strawberries than I needed.  I've never made jam before either.  I liked making jam more than I liked canning peaches, but doing it with Kurtis was fun.  I would not have liked doing it by myself at all.  Please, just kill me first.

I'm gettin' all artistic with my fruit!

Strawberry Peach Jam made by me!

He's so hot when he peels peaches.

The fruits of our labors.


abby said...

good job! i've never canned peaches but it seems like it would be fun. (to ME. i'm boring.) you are funny- "a little piece of me died inside."

Michele said...

BEAUTIFUL peaches, beautiful strawberries, beautiful canned peaches, beautiful jam! You are amazing! It all looks gorgeous and yummy! I think it's great- I have thought the task of canning and making jam would be rather overwhelming... but if Brian came up with the idea I would jump at the chance, it might be fun together. If I decide to can I will have you drive out here and teach me. :)
Hey, was it during peach days? ha ha :)

sweetlissybug said...

Yeah, it was during Peach Days. We skipped it to can and make jam! We still have more to do, Abby! Come on over! :)

Stacey said...

Check you out, Melissa! You are now officially my here. I have never canned peaches or made jam. Maybe one day. Good job!