Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I Stretched My Hands Out To the Sky

"July was a good month," I said as I erased the white board calendar I use to keep track of appointments.
"It was?" Kurtis said curiously.
"Yes. I turned 36, I got to see my brother and family came over, the boys got to go to their scout camps...It was a good month."
"I guess it was a good month."

So that sums up July.  I did not take pictures while my brother was visiting.  I should have.  But on my birthday, it rained (I love the rain.), and there was a double rainbow.  I did take a picture of that.

 It was a beautiful day.

 I was also sent a couple pictures of Zach and Riley at scout camp.
They were gone a whole week.  It was quiet.  I missed them.

They had a lot of fun.

And now, for your listening enjoyment:

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