Thursday, July 31, 2008

Oh, the Irony!

Well, honestly, nothing too excellent has happened lately. I had an audition yesterday (which since I haven't heard anything means I totally bombed), I cut four inches off my hair. I think it makes me look older, but nobody else seems to agree with me. I'm overly critical of myself. But who cares.
Anyway, Kaleb flooded the bathroom today. That was exciting. I'm guessing (since he wouldn't tell me what happened) that he put the entire roll of toilet paper in there, flushed and started screaming. Heh heh heh! That's what he gets. Anyway, I hear him screaming, and I run up the stairs thinking he must have fallen in (yes, he has done that before, too), only to find him standing in oh, a quarter of an inch of water that is over-flowing out of the toilet and onto the floor, and a little into the hall. So much fun to clean up. Well, Zach helped me by getting me the towels we use to dry Abbey off after a bath, because the mop wasn't moving things along very quickly. Luckily for Kaleb, the bathroom he flooded was the downstairs closet of a bathroom with only a sink and a toilet. It's really quite funny, though. I was just instant messaging with my friend about how there were a couple of times I thought he was going to flood the bathroom. Life is full of ironies. Man, it seems like I talk about toilets a lot. I need a more interesting life.

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