Tuesday, August 12, 2014

In Which I Find Myself One Year Older

So I guess I have been busy actually living my life and not blogging about it, but I am behind again.  It happens.
After FantasyCon, came my birthday.  I turned 35.  The Sunday before, they sang to me in Primary.  The chorister told them I was 29 again.  But I corrected her and said, "Um.  Well, more like 18 again."  Because let's face it, I'm not really going to feel older than that.  Well.  Maybe when I can't move any more.  Then perhaps I will feel old.
My birthday fell on one of my workshop days, so we decided we would celebrate it on the 11th.
But in honor of my birthday, I decided we would make a birthday card for my workshop.  I like the way it turned out. One of the people who comes to club requested we also do a wedding card.  She said most of the people she knows are getting married or having  babies.  Makes sense.  She's in her twenties.  So I did one.  Here's a picture of them.

Super cute, eh?

So Friday, we celebrated my birthday by going to Costa Vida.  It's my favorite.  The kids were not excited because last time we went they ordered off the kids' menu.  They weren't impressed with their cheese quesadillas.  No surprise there.  But this time, we let them order what they wanted.  Zach got the shrimp tacos and now he always wants to go back.  Kaleb got a sweet pork burrito, but couldn't finish it.  That thing is huge and I knew he wouldn't, but it made him happy.  Kurtis got his usual chicken enchiladas and I my usual raspberry chipotle chicken salad.  Riley got a steak enchilada.  Mmmmmm. Great. Now I want to eat there.  Never blog hungry!
After dinner, we came back home and I opened my present.  Kurtis and the boys got me Friends, the complete series.  I'm already on season six!  I'm a binge watcher.
Then Kurtis and I went to see the movie The Edge of Tomorrow.  I LOVED it!  I knew I would even though Tom Cruise is in it.  It was really a great story.  I thought the ending was weird though.  It's based on a Japanese short story and they don't always have the typical happy ending.  So to me, it felt like they had Americanized the ending.  But I still liked it.  I just thought it could have ended about five minutes sooner.  Notice how I didn't spoil the ending there.  If you've seen it, you will know what I mean - you might disagree - but I didn't give anything away either.  Go see it.  It's worth it.
 My present!  I love it!

Then, a few days later, my brother Ben came by with another present! :)
It's a t-shirt he made for me with the symbol of one of the factions on a computer game I like to play.  You may have heard of it.  It's called World of Warcraft.  Or WoW for short.  So I took a picture of me in it for him to see that it does fit.  We were worried. ;)

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