Sunday, April 27, 2008

Normal - Nothings

Well, let's see. I'm reading Twilight again for my book club on Thursday. I've read it before, but I still find it hard to put down once I start reading. I've tried limiting myself to five chapters a day, but that didn't work out so well today. I figure it's fine as long as the kids get fed (right?). The last time I read it, I finished the series (all three books) in like three and a half days. Crazy. Luckily it was a weekend, so Kurtis could pick up the slack for me. Ha ha.
This week well, not too much happened. I went to the grocery store. Weeded the garden (wait, no, that was Kurtis). Um, I took Zach to his soccer game. I don't think anybody won. Nobody scored. But he was running around after the ball instead of just standing around licking leaves, so that's an improvement.
An update on potty training Kaleb. He pooped in the potty at church today! He never does that. I let him run around half naked to see if that would help him potty train. He pooped in the living room and peed on the kitchen floor because he has issues about holding down his own wiener! It's annoying. But then after that adventure, he would go in the potty while he was naked. But if I put big boy underwear on him and his pants, he would pee in his pants. I don't know what to do with that kid. Maybe I'm just not ready to give up diapers. Wait a minute! Yes I am! I've been changing diapers for almost seven years straight! By the way, I don't let him run around naked any more. He always says, "Can I have my pants back now?" When I take them away. I think we'll try it again when it's warmer.

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