Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's So Clear Now

Kurtis and I love Valentine's Day.  It's the day we love to tease our children and ask them if they are in love with somebody.  Really, we do that whenever we feel like it, but on Valentine's Day, we make a point to do it.  Only Zach will actually admit that he is enamored by one of the girls in his classroom.  I won't tell you who it is, but he showed us her picture in his yearbook, and she is cute.  I asked if she was nice to everyone, and he said, "Yes."  That's good.  Kaleb admits that he likes someone, but won't tell us who, and starts to cry because he told Riley and Riley told us (ah, so it is still the same girl!), and Riley was supposed to keep it a secret!  Then Riley just flat out denies it, and we can tell he's lying by his blushing.  It's so much fun to torture our kids this way!  Hee hee!
So I made the valentines for my kids classes this year.  I was asking myself at the store if I should just buy them this year, but I didn't know how many I needed, and said to myself, "Eh, I will just make them.  It can't be that many."  Well, Kaleb has 26 kids in his class, Zach has 26 in his as well, and Riley has 28.  Don't worry.  I'm going to do the math for you.  I makes me look more like a martyr.  If you add all those numbers up, they come to 80!  Eighty freaking Valentines!  What the heck was I thinking?
I always do something cute for the people I visit teach, but I only visit two ladies and I get something for my partner.  Three!  Three valentines.  So I made 86 valentines this year (you have to count the kids' teachers)!  I must be crazy.  Literally.  But they did turn out cute.  I'm not going to lie.  In fact, I'm going to pat myself on the back a little.

Aren't these cute?
 Next year, if I say something about making my kids' valentines for school, please remind me how much that is a really bad idea.  I went a little crazy.

These are the Valentines for their teachers and the people I visit teach.  The teachers get better treats because they have to put up with my kids for such a long time all day.  I think they are saints.

I hope today is filled with all kinds of love!


Des said...

Very cute. I gave up making valentines when Josh was in 1st grade so you go girl! :)

Emi-chi said...

Yeah... You're crazy. Those all look awesome though. :D