Today is Easter! Bring on the candy! If you don't know by now, here is the cold hard truth. I am an addict. My drug of choice? Candy, candy, candy! I even have withdrawal symptoms when I get too much stress, and I don't get my fix. Let me think. Like the little boy who is jumping up and down, digging his elbows into my legs crying, "Mom! Maaahm!" It makes me crazy. I want to like zone out and move to another dimension or something. So like most good girls, I don't drink, smoke, or do crack-cocaine to escape, but the sugar high, the flavor in my mouth at the time, turns on that relax and it's all okay, nobody is going to make you gouge your eyes out now feeling. You know what else makes me want to crawl in a hole and dye my hair purple? When they don't get what they want, and they wail. It's bedtime now, but do they want to go? Of course not. Thank the Lord in Heaven Above (and I really, really mean this!) that I have my husband. He can deal with them. And he does it really well. School is back in session tomorrow! Yippee! They've been on spring break since the 6th and I am so glad it is over. I will have some peace and quiet again! Happy Easter every one!
Sorry, that wasn't a very happy post. Let me tell you what a great day we really had. Our Easter celebrations started yesterday. My mother decided to have a party. She never does that. It must be the Grandma in here coming out. She needs an excuse to see them and any will do! ;) So Riley played soccer at noon and then off to Grandma's. Uncle Ben gave us a lesson on the Easter Story of Christ's Crucifixion and Resurrection. Then we dyed eggs. After that, Grandpa was going to hide them for the kids to find, but the boys wanted to do the hiding. So the grown-ups did the finding. It was funny. Then Mr. Jones took his eggs and hid them for the boys to find. They loved that! Then dinner and cookies. So much fun and so much sugar. I'm going to gain 10 pounds!
The Easter Bunny came last night and hid the kids' candy-filled eggs. I've decided our family is small and I don't need to divide up the entire bag. I mean, the Easter Bunny doesn't need to give us so much candy (sorry little believers!). Any way, So Mr. Bunny, hid 35 eggs, and brought the kids their own double pack of peeps (grossest candy ever!), plus a squirt gun and two movies for the whole family. That Bunny is nuts. But the kids went nuts and loved every second of it. We had our traditional Easter breakfast of cinnamon rolls (Rhodes dough is awesome!) after the egg hunt. Sugar in the morning and sugar all day is the Easter motto! So any way, choir practice was at 11:30, so I have no idea what happened while I was gone, but apparently no one ate lunch (when dinner time came, Kaleb said, "What about lunch?"). Church was kind of nuts. I sang in the choir, but I could tell the kids' sugar highs were letting down, and they were not happy to be at church while it was happening. But the talks were wonderful and I love to sing in the choir even when I screw up! Ha ha ha! Pretty sure it was me, any way. Then we grilled hamburgers and ate lots of candy. I got a little sick. I'm good at that. Addiction - remember. Don't know how to stop. Someday, I will O.D.
Here are the pictures!
Dying eggs at Grandma's. Actually, I think he is eating one. :)
Riley and Great-Grandma!
Zach hides an egg!
There's an excellent place to hide one!
Grandpa found one!
Mr. Jones finds an egg.
Auntie Em searches the backyard.
I found it!
Where did Dad hide that egg? Hint: Look above Zach's head!
Robin egg lipstick = Delicious kisses!
My dirty little secret is cookies. Lots and lots of cookies.
I love cookies too. I am so screwed.
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