Thursday, September 8, 2011

Don't You Ever Wonder How We Survive?

I need to rant.  I haven't ranted in a good long while.  But I will try to keep it short.
I know I said that I wouldn't babysit any more.  But I did any way.  This time around, it is much nicer.  I babysit the little girls I babysat last year, but not their brother, and once a week, I also babysit a little boy.  He's two and super cute and super quiet.  They are not why I am ranting today.  They are super awesome, and play really nicely and quietly all day long until nap time.
Then my children come home from school.  Seriously, this is not their first year of school.  They know the drill.  Come home.  Have a snack (if you get home before 4:00).  DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!  So why does Kaleb pretend that I didn't say anything at all when I say, "DO YOUR READING!!! NOW!!!"  I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer yell in my scary voice.  It's starting to hurt.  It's kind of a sad day for me because my scary voice always made me smile.  Inside.  But that's not really the point.  The day is nice and quiet with only the occasional, "Don't hit people.  It isn't nice." or "Please, don't throw your food on the floor.  That's gross." 
But as soon as my kids walk in the door, it's "STOP IT!"  "MOM, KALEB WON'T STOP PLAYING WITH MY TOY!"  "NO! IT'S MY TOY!"  And it's loud.  That's why I used all capital letters.  It's just wrong.  I am supposed to like my kids better than other people's kids.  But not today.  In fact, right now, as I am typing, Kaleb is singing, "BABABABABABABABABABABAB."  And Riley is asking him to stop.  Pretty soon, he will get louder and louder.  But why is Kaleb having such a hard time with this?  He had homework last year!
I just had to get that off my chest.  Thanks for humoring me.  Now, I will get Kaleb to cooperate.  Hopefully.


Shauna said...

If it makes you feel any better, the exact same thing happens at our house every afternoon...the only thing that is different are the names that are being yelled.

Michele said...

"Why?! Why?! Why?!" As I'm banging my head against the wall ...or actually my steering wheel. Everyday after school this week.
Ok I'm exaggerating (a little).
I think I might have pulled a muscle yelling at my kids last night that they HAD to cooperate because we HAD to pick Ana up from diving because her lessons are in a bad part of town where people kill other people just for fun. I am feeling bad about that one- for yelling and for being so blunt that I may be giving my kids nightmares- I don't think they believed me though.

abby said...

I think this is a universal problem. and I'm already dealing with it in kindergarten(!). Milo thinks school is sooo long and boring and it's like pulling teeth to get him to do his "homework." and he comes home in a bad mood. I talked with my brother-in-law the other day and he says boys are just not meant for school. Period. Ha!