Saturday, December 11, 2010

It's Not Like I Took Away A Trip to Disneyland, Or Something

Sometimes, I want to be the cool mom who lets her kids do fun things.  Tonight, the boys asked if they could have a sleepover in Riley's room.  I thought, "Well, why not?"  Now it's midnight (well, 11:57), and they are still awake.  Riley was being mean to Kaleb (he came down twice), so I pulled the plug on it, and sent them all to their own beds.  Now, I get to listen to Zach weeping uncontrollably in his bedroom.  Yep.  I love being a fun mom.  Makes me wonder why I don't let them have sleepovers very often.  (The title is Kurtis' comment on the situation.)


Des said...

LOL! I love it! Oh my goodness that has so happened at our house. I always tell my kids that we have to have opposition in all things- I can't be the fun mom all the time. I have to be grumpy mom on occasion so that they appreciate fun mom when she comes around. :)

Wendy said...

I will never be the fun mom. I've come to terms with it.