Friday, July 29, 2011

Things Are Looking Up (Oh Finally!)

Zach got his cast on on Wednesday.  He finally talked about what happened when he fell out of the tree.  Apparently, when he fell, he landed on his back in the grass, but his elbow hit the sidewalk, and that's how it broke.  Ouch!  He also has to wear his cast for four weeks.  The other doctor told us three, but the orthopedic surgeon said four.  That means he will go to school for three days until it comes off.  Today, he said he was figuring out a way to write with his cast on.  I think that's pretty cool.  I also received good news Wednesday.  After Zach got his cast on, I went to physical therapy.  My therapist told me that is the best he has ever felt my neck feel.  The tightness is pretty much gone, and I can just keep working on it at home with the stretches and exercises he has given me to do.  Yay!  That is excellent news.  Now if I could just find a way to get my kids to stop fighting, and land a three movie contract.  Life would be perfect!  :D

 I asked him why he looked so forlorn because he is not in any pain any more, and he said, "Because there is nothing for me to do!"  Well, that's not true.  He's just upset because he can't play video games.  He's still grounded.

He asked for an orange cast, and it is hunter orange or construction worker orange.  He won't need a flag when he crosses the street!  He can just hold up his arm! :D

1 comment:

Michele said...

I like the color of Zach's cast. I especially like how well it coordinates with his outfit. :)
Glad you are feeling well!