Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day (and a Farewell)

My weekend was pretty dang great.  I worked on my wall on Friday, but didn't finish.  I'm just touching it up.  You wouldn't think it would really take that long.  You would be wrong.  You'll understand when I finally reveal it.  In the evening, we went to my friend's baby's first birthday party.  It was fun.  There was a lot of candy and snow cones.  They had it at the park, so my kids mostly played on the playground.
Saturday, Kurtis and I went grocery shopping, I paid the bills and then  I made cake pops for my cousin's"going on his mission party".  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has officially asked that we not call them farewells any more, but we still do.  We don't know what else to call them.  He is going to Calgary, Canada.  That's pretty cool.  I've never been to Canada (that I know of.  Maybe when I was a baby and lived in Washington, we made an excursion up there, but I don't remember it.  I've lived in Utah since I was four).  While I did that, Kurtis went to a Halo party.  I wasn't planning on visiting my dad for Father's day until Tuesday, but when I texted my mom to ask if that was okay, she texted back that my dad would not be home on Tuesday.  She thought we should come up right then.  It was 3:30.  I called Kurtis at his party and asked if he would be fine if we went to my dad's after all.  Half an hour later, we were on the way to my parents' house.  We had hamburgers and my dad loved his gift basket from Kneader's (love that place!).  It had chunky cinnamon bread in it along with a white chocolate covered rice crispy treat and a bottle of cinnamon syrup.  Yum!  We watched Kung Fu Panda 2 and ate Slurpees.  Then it was time to come home.  Kurtis wanted to watch our new copy of Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows, so I frosted the cake pops while we watched.  I think I got a little frosting on the carpet.  Oh, well.
My cousin's farewell was Sunday afternoon, so we drove up there and listened to him speak in church.  He gave a wonderful talk where he bore his testimony about God's love for his children.  He said that God will always be with us and that he will never forget us or stop loving us no matter what we do.  I know he spoke the truth.  He's going to be a wonderful missionary and do really well on his mission because he has such a loving heart.  We are sad to see him leave us, but it's only for two years, so we know we will see him soon.  After the meeting, we went to his house and had a wonderful time chatting with all our aunts and uncles.  My cake pops were a hit, too!  I think that cake pop maker I bought was well worth it, and I will probably make those for many of the events that come along.  I hope you had a great weekend, too!  I hope all the dads out there had a really great day!

I didn't take any pictures at my dad's or at the farewell.  Oops.

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