Sunday, March 24, 2013

Because Church Is the Best Place For Exercise

Today was an adventure in teaching Primary.  These happen occasionally.  I teach the four and five year old kids  lessons about the gospel.  Today, our lesson was about the Holy Ghost.  But this isn't a story about that.  I didn't teach today.  Today, I was in charge of wrangling the children and keeping them on their chairs.  Because sometimes, learning about the gospel is so exciting, you just can't stay sitting down.  True story.
One of my friends in this class has Autism.  We'll call him Harold (Nope.  Not his real name because I love him!).  This means he has a harder time following the rules.  We also usually have three teachers.  One to focus just on this Harold and the others teach or wrangle and we all take turns.  Today, one of our partners in crime was sick.  There were also just four kids (there are seven on the roll) who came today, so we thought we would be okay.  For the most part we were, and our friends did their best to sit on their pockets.
But then it was time to clean up their crayons.  I was on the floor helping Harold.  He likes to tell you the colors as you put the crayons back in his box.  I turned to help another young lady in our class put her crayons away, too when out of the corner of my eye, I see Harold take off and leave the class room at a a dead run.  "Aaand he's out the door," says my partner in crime (who is surrounded by the two other children and can't really do anything to stop him).  I scrambled after him.  What else was I going to do, really?  As I'm running (literally) down the church hall, we pass two men just standing in the hallway.  Not in class, not doing anything, not holding any crying babies.  All I could think was, "Really?  You're just going to let this kid keep running and make me chase him!?"  Seriously, people!  I'm in heels!  Yeah.  They were no help at all.  When I catch Harold, I convince him that we need to go back to our classroom.  He's an awesome kid, but he really needs to work on the concept of walking.  He just doesn't.  So we jogged back to class together.  On the bright side, I did get in a super small workout today, and that's nothing to scoff at. ;)

1 comment:

Michele said...

sorry I'm just catching up on blogs. Sounds like a fun class. I think every primary has a kid who decides to just get up and leave...A friend of mine teaches primary and she said she had a kid bolt (not with Autism) and she decided she wasn't going to chase him- "If he gets taken good luck to the person who takes him" She wasn't serious, but he wasn't really a nice kid either. In your situation I'm surprised those men just stood there. Sheesh. Next priesthood lesson should be remembering how to be a gentleman. Sorry you had a bad day in your last post.