Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Like Zachary Because...

I want to do Flashback Friday a day early today.
Because it's Zach's birthday!!!  He's 12 years old!  Twelve!  I know, he's getting so old!  I love his stinky face.  No, I'm not calling him stinky because he is a boy.  I'm calling him stinky because he really does stink! Boys smell so good when they are little.  Then they start to grow up and they are not so sweet smelling.  Maybe it's because I don't give him baths any more.  I do tell him to take baths.  That doesn't really mean he listens.  What does he smell like, you ask?  Feet.
My friends with adolescent boys will relate.
But I digress.  This post wasn't supposed to be about how rosy he smells.
He was born at 3:21 p.m. after keeping me up all night with labor pains.  I'm not lying either.  It really sucked.  I went to the hospital at 6:00 a.m. the next morning and I was only dilated to a 1.  I cried.  They let me stay and checked me twenty minutes later.  I was a 3.  Yay for epidurals!  He was six pounds thirteen ounces and nineteen and a half inches long.
Zach is awesome because he is compassionate and loving.  He does his chores.  He's really kind of bad at them, but he still does them.  That's really all a mom can ask for, right?  He loves to play soccer and the computer.  He loves animals.  Especially baby ones.  He won't stop asking for a kitten.  He's starting to get grumpy, but he's trying to not be grumpy (if that makes sense - testosterone surges cause that, right?  I know nothing about anatomy).  We are definitely moving into uncharted waters for me here.  But for the most part, he is pretty easy-going and fun to be around.  Zach is a great person and I love him.

This is a picture of a picture from the day he was born.  Wasn't he the cutest baby ever?  :)
My sister Emily is holding him.  She was 12.

 Having a little brother made his day.  He always tried to help out by playing with his little friend.

 He likes it when Neji licks his face.  I think it's gross.

 Two handsome men on Conference Weekend.

See?  He loves it. :)  And he has a killer smile.

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