Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Should Be Over All The Butterflies

So yesterday was my anniversary.  Kurtis and I have now been married for fourteen years.
We celebrated by going out to dinner at Iggy's and then to see the movie Iron Man 3.  Not romantic enough for you?  Well, it's what I wanted to do, and I do find superheroes romantic.  They are motivated by love.  Love for all people and animals.  I've decided I like Marvel heroes better than DC (except Batman) and that Iron Man is probably my favorite.
After the movie, we opened our presents.  I was quite disappointed though.  I have been tracking the other half of Kurtis' present since I got the email saying it shipped.  It was supposed to arrive yesterday, but it didn't.  It got put on the wrong truck.  Hopefully I will get it tomorrow.  But he told me a few weeks ago that he wanted a new wallet and found the one he wanted.  I told him I wanted to order it for him, and I did.  But he kept bugging me about whether or not it had come yet.  I kept telling him I hadn't gotten around to it yet, or not to worry about it.  He kept this up everyday, so finally I posted on Facebook my dilemma.  My smart friend told me to tell him it was on back order.  It wasn't.  It was sitting in our house waiting for me to wrap it and give it to him.  He he.  But it worked.  He said, "Aw, maaaan!" and stopped asking me.  I hate lying, but he wouldn't let it go.  Geesh.
At dinner Monday night, he asked me what I really wanted the most.  I felt silly, but what I really wanted the most was "Some Hot Blood" (The Airborne Toxic Event's new album) and more Dresden Files books.  He did not disappoint me.  The Airborne Toxic Event does not have any of its albums in the stores near us, so he got me some other albums that I had told him I wanted.  He also couldn't find all of the books I wanted, so he got me some other books that were on my list.  I was delighted that he had remembered what I told him. :)

 I made Kurtis take pictures of us with my phone.  :D

 Yup.  Here, too.  Although, I wasn't trying to make us look like an ad for the Megaplex.  Hee hee.

 He likes his wallet.

My presents!  He's so awesome. :)

Now for a song:
It's on that album that Kurtis got me.  The one on the left.

Oh, and here's another.  Just for fun. :)


Danae Ostler said...

I LOVE it! I think it is all terribly romantic and what I would have chosen myself! Happy Anniversary! Congrats on 14 wonderful years!!! :) LOVE your blog! Now that I have finally graduated, I am going to do better with blogging myself. :)

Michele said...

But you make such a great ad for Megaplex :-)
Hee hee hee
No really, happy anniversary! You both still make such a cute couple :-). Love you guys