Sunday, May 12, 2013

In Which Zachary Starts Becoming Captain America

Yes, I did just compare receiving the Priesthood to the special serum they injected into Steve Rogers (aka Captain America).  Deal with it.

Today, was extremely special for our family, though. Kurtis and I thought that the Deacons would come to Primary and get Zachary today.  But when he got there, his Primary teachers told him he was supposed to go with the Deacons right then.  I noticed that he was going in the wrong direction, so I took him to the chapel.  That's where all the young men and men meet together for announcements and an opening song before they separate into their different classes.  I pointed out the other Deacons to him, but at first, he couldn't see them.  It made me giggle.  He was a little nervous.  Which is normal because it's a new experience and new experiences usually involve a lot of unknowns.  He found them and walked in with confidence.  Next week, he and Kurtis can walk in together and then it will seem like he's been doing it for years.
My parents came to our Sacrament Meeting this morning.  After the announcements, Zachary stood up with the Second Counselor in our Bishopric and was sustained by the members of our ward and his grandparents (and his family) as worthy to hold the Aaronic Priesthood.  I almost lost it as the tears welled up.  But I took a deep breath and held it together.  I've had to take a few of those today.
I'm so very proud of my young man.  He decided to take the step and be responsible for holding this priesthood of God.  I think he is excited.  Maybe a little nervous about this step.  But that's good.  He's a good kid.  I love it when I see him playing with Kaleb.  Or when I see him trying to be a peacemaker in our home.  He was talking to me about one of the boys in his class today at dinner.  He was telling me that this boy had become a bit of a punk over the school year and he said that he wasn't like that before he started to hang out with another boy who is also defiant.  I told him that's why it's good to choose your friends wisely.  Because they do have an influence on you for good or bad.  I think he's done this.  I hope he will continue to do this.  He is a natural leader and my heart is filled with joy when I see him doing so with kindness and love.
As Kurtis laid his hands upon Zachary's head and gave him the priesthood, I felt so blessed.  Kurtis reminded Zachary of the purpose of the priesthood and told him that it is simply a way for him to serve others on this earth.  I truly believe there is no greater use for this priesthood than to serve others.  Jesus used this power when he was on the earth to serve, to heal and to bless others.  That's what He wants our boys to use it for as well.  I think the scripture found in the Book of Mormon fits here very well:  "And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. (Mosiah 2:17)"
I really can't think of a better Mother's Day present.  ;)

Now watch this video where LDS young men talk about the ways the Aaronic Priesthood has blessed their lives and what it means to them:

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