Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lady Riverdale to the Rescue!

What's next, Life?  What indeed?
Monday night, I got to the theatre and go out of my car.  I could hear this hissing sound that at first, I didn't register it as anything to but background noise.  You know.  The hum from a generator or some one's air conditioning.  But the closer I got to the end of my car, the more it sounded like a strange hissing noise and I didn't know where the heck it was coming from.  So I did what every normal person does.  I went into the theatre to get ready for the show.  And thought, "I hope my car doesn't explode."
While I was dressing, the lady playing Anne came in and said, "I think I'm going to have a flat tire when we get out of this show!  I heard hissing after I got out of my car."
"Oh, that's probably my car.  I heard it too when I got out of my car.  Great.  I hope I don't get a flat."
At intermission, she went and checked our tires.  She said they were fine.
She was wrong.
My front left tire was flat by the time the show was over and I was done getting ready to leave.
Luckily, I know how to change a flat tire.  But even more luckily was that the lady who plays Lady Riverdale had not left yet, and she drove her car over by mine and shined her headlights on my flat tire while I changed it.  But she didn't stop there.  She didn't think I had jacked my car up enough while I was taking the lug nuts off (I hadn't), so she jacked it up more for me.  Then she helped me lift the heavy donut onto the car and line it up with the bolts.  She also helped me put the lug nuts back on, so it would go faster.  Then while I tightened them up as best I could, she took the jack down.  Then (and this is the nicest of all) she drove behind me to make sure I got home safely (I did and without incident - other than feeling like I was driving so super slow) .  
I feel so blessed to have such great people in my life  Lady Riverdale and I don't know each other that well.  We only just met at the beginning of the play.  So to do that for me, was really incredible to me.  I need to buy her flowers.
So the next day, I was in the tire store getting all new tires for my car.  It took an hour.  It seemed like a long time to me, but hey, I have shiny new tires, so it was worth it, and I got to read my book.  I knew we needed new tires.  When we got our car inspected/registered last year, the guy told me he passed the inspection, but we would definitely need new tires next year.  I was going to go get them last week, but I was sick.  I've been sick the whole month.  Kurtis gave me his cold and then he was getting better and got another cold.  Which he also gave to me as I was getting better from the first cold he gave me.  I'm so glad that I am not sick any more.  
Seriously.  You need to come see my show.  Then you can meet the amazing Lady Riverdale.  She's way nice, and the show is a lot of fun.  Don't miss out!

1 comment:

Rita said...

That was such a stressful event, Melissa. Good thing there was someone who is kind enough to help you out of your dilemma. And it's even better that you knew how to change tires. Anyway, stay safe. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Rita McCall