Tuesday, May 14, 2013

This Fire Mage Picks Her Own Powers

I was going to blog this yesterday, but I did laundry and watched Doctor Who all day instead.  It was a great day. :)  Now I am taking a break from sorting through all the mountains of clothes in my bedroom.  The kids have been begging me to get out their shorts since March and since it was 97 degrees yesterday, I suppose it's about time I actually got around to it.  I have a ton of clothes they have grown out of and a ton of clothes to store away for the fall.  I hate this job.  Hate it, so last year, I put it off so long that I just decided not to do it.  I've sorted out all the clothes that I am going to give to my cousin (if she wants them) and the rest.  I think the mountain is smaller.  But it's not just a hill yet.  Unfortunately.  Thus the taking a break.
So Mother's Day.  Sunday, I blogged about my son, but today, I am going to blog about me!  Ha ha!  What did my family do for me on Mother's Day?  I left that out in my last post on purpose.  I didn't want it to be too long-winded.
In the morning, the boys helped clean up the kitchen a little bit and Riley helped me make the dessert for our dinner later that day.  He chopped Reeses peanut butter cups and smashed Oreos for me.  He loved it.
After church, we had a marvelous dinner with my parents.  They really loved the dessert so much.  My dad asked for the recipe.  I still need to email it to him...  Anyway.  While Kurtis was cooking the steaks and chicken (I hate steak), I gave my mom her present.  I gave her these:

My mom is into history, but especially family history.  I think she really liked them.  It was fun to listen to my mom and dad reminisce about what things looked like in Salt Lake City (where my mom grew up) when they were dating and she was growing up.

Saturday, Kaleb insisted that he be taken to the store to buy me a Mother's Day gift.  It was so cute.  He said he wanted to get me some candy.  That boy knows me so well. :)  He got me a Symphony bar and a bag of M&Ms.  Perfect.  He also made me some flowers and a book at school called 10 Reason I Love My Mom!!!.  Then later that day, he and I went around the block blasting bad guys and leveling up our powers.  I was a fire mage.  I shot fireballs out of my hands and protected us with my ring of fire.  Heck, yes.  I'm awesome.  Of course, Kaleb likes to tell me that he is level 98 and I am level 2, but I can still kick some butt.  He also likes to make it easy for him to level up, but not very easy for anyone else.  I had to remind him that I was the mage and that I got to decide which powers I had and what I used them for.  ;)
Kurtis got me some more Dresden Files books.  Riley took the things we made at Stamp Club on Thursday and gave them to me.  Yesterday, he gave me the card they made in school saying, "This is not a Mother's Day card!"  It was cute.  Zachary gave me some flowers he made at school, too.  I love all my presents.  But most of all I love all my kids.  They are so sweet and kind to me.  They made me a mom.  They make me laugh.  They frustrate me to no end.  They surprise me.  They cuddle with me and they fill my heart with wonder and joy.  I am blessed to be their mother.

The flowers and book from Kaleb.

 One of my favorite reasons. :)

 The flowers and books from Zach and Kurtis.

 Gifts from Riley.

And my sister sent me a card, too!  It was an unexpected surprise.  Thanks, Michele!
The bottom card is from my mom and dad and the kids still living at home.
I have the best family. :)

Now watch this video.  It's really awesome. :)

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

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