Well, I wanted to take pictures of rehearsal yesterday, but I only got one. The lighting there is terrible for photography, and the guy I asked to take pictures for me while I was on stage just looked at me like I was nuts. Geesh! What's the big deal? It's not like he's on stage all the time. Please! I'm pretty sure he's reading this, or is going to at some point, but I really don't care. I thought we were getting to be friends. Oh, well. Poo on you! That's all I really had to say. I need to get that off my chest.
So we open in like two weeks. I'm freaking out. I put on my plate costume yesterday at rehearsal. I was told it would be a plate on my back and my hands would be free to move my arms, but what a load of crap that was. It's more like two circles tied to my front and back. I can move my arms if I wanted to do jumping jacks, and that works for some of the dance moves we are supposed to do, but mostly, all I can do in that costume is stand there and try not to fall off the stairs we are standing on for "Be Our Guest." Honestly, though. I like that. I can't screw up a movement I can't do! Ha ha ha! The other plates hate it. They are all young girls who can dance, though. I would hate it too if I could actually dance.
I am no longer a wolf either. There was a mix up about who was and wasn't a wolf and one of the girls who was originally told she was a wolf got pushed aside. So I told her to do it instead of me. I could tell she was really disappointed and wanted to do it. Yeah, I know. I'm awesome.
I may not be able to be the hat seller any more either. Being the enchantress and then trying to make it back onstage for the third "Bonjour!" in "Belle" might be a challenge. So I may just be the entchantress and a plate and a villiager.
So rehearsals are going great. I run upstairs to rehearse
Beauty and the Beast and then I run downstairs to rehearse
The Women when I am not needed upstairs. It rocks, and when I get home, I usually
really have to go to the bathroom. Oh, and Kaleb and my family aren't affected by this at all. Kaleb hasn't become clingy or anything. He doesn't always want to be on my lap or want me to carry him every where. He's adapting so well! And he doesn't freak out if I try to leave without hugging and kissing him even though I just hugged and kissed him. He's so sweet. I can't believe how incredible he is. The other two don't even know I'm gone. Kurtis really misses me though. When I get home, he stays at the computer and plays wow. No need to get up and walk upstairs to see your wife of nine and a half years. She'll come downstairs if she wants to talk to me. (It's cool. That's the way he's always been.) Usually if I don't go down there, he will eventually come upstairs to say hi. For the next two months we will be ships passing in the night. Two weeks! Two weeks and Act one of
The Women has to be memorized! I'm fine! I'm not freaking out at all!
Here's my shameless plug! The show opens March 13th and goes every Monday, Friday, and Saturday til April 4th. Tickets are $9.00 for adults and $8.00 for children 12 and under. For ticket purchasing information visit
Heritage Theater's website We'd love to see you there!