Sunday, March 15, 2009


You know what sucks? Being sick. I am sick today. Yesterday, I felt like I had been hit with a ton of bricks. Today, it feels like the crane that was holding those bricks dropped them on top of me. I have a fever of 100 degrees, which for me is a bit more like 101 because I am always like 97.4 or something. The people at the doctor's office told me that was low once. Well, I can't help it if I'm not 98.6 degrees all the time. Any way, I am a little delirious. Spell check probably can't even help me today. My throat hurts, my head aches, and I'm really hot. Before I was shivering. The entire cast of Beauty and the Beast is sick. Except Belle. I think she is okay. But it was just a matter of time before I got it too. During last night's performance, the Beast apparently blacked out during the scene where he is attacked by wolves. He said he didn't completely come around until the dancing scene with Belle. Amazing. He still pulled it off. I had a hard time hitting all the high notes last night. I was singing Be Our Guest with a cough drop in my mouth (not easy, I don't recommend it). During Friday night's performance, the Wardrobe almost fell over. Apparently she had taken a lot of different kinds of medicine at once. She's okay. But don't do that either. Especially if you have to drive. I was going to get my hair dyed today, but I don't think that is going to happen. I don't want to get my sister-in-law and her family sick. But the show must go on, so hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. Because even if I can't move, I will still be there tomorrow night.

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