Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just Venting (A Little)

So guess what. I can home from rehearsals on Monday night pretty much livid. We open on March 13th. That's in 9 days! Nine freaking days, people! They changed pretty much all of the choreography for all the dances! Nine days! Gaston does not know his lines! Neither does Clocksworth or Mrs. Potts! Nine days! Then the director told us to find a costume. Nothing fit me. Apparently the high school did Beauty and the Beast a few years ago. I am not in high school any more! Then I got shown my enchantress costume. All I could say was, "Really?" and "Are you sure?" Then since I get to drive half an hour home, I got really mad. When I got home I was venting to Mr. Kurtis and he was kind of shrinking away from me. I must have been freaking out a little. So I spent all of yesterday looking for a new costume for myself. I found some really good ones too. Then I went to rehearsal last night. I rehearsed for The Women for half an hour and then went upstairs to Beauty and the Beast. I was supposed to go back and forth, but that didn't really work out so much. My time was monopolized by all the dances and having to re-learn choreography and crap. It's okay, though. They know I had to be there. So I put on my enchantress costume again and watched them rehearse the battle scene and the transformation at the end. Apparently, the enchantress is also in the ending (in this playhouse's version of the play). So I go up onstage and the director's wife who is the assistant director looks at my costume and says, "What happened to it?" I had no idea what she was talking about. Some one had put Velcro on the front of the costume so it would close, engulf me, and turn me into some sort of human tent! So the Velcro is being removed, I am going to have a beautiful gown on under it or something, and everything is fine. It's a good thing to because I was about to refuse to wear it. Seriously. I really didn't want to go all diva on them, but for crying out loud! Look at this picture!

It's see-through too. But supposedly it's not supposed to close. It's supposed to be a cape - all open and flowy. You can't tell in that picture; but on stage, under the lights, it glitters like a thousand stars. It's crazy sparkly. So I will have an elegant gown on under the cloak as well. Mr. Director told me I was just going to have my hat seller costume on under it so we can hurry and get me back onstage in time. He neglected to inform me that I would also be wearing something else! I still don't have a costume for the hat seller yet, though. Nine days! People, nine days!

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