Friday, February 12, 2010

Just Showing You My Awesomeness a Little Bit

It's my kids' Valentine party at school today.  Last week, his teacher sent home a note saying we needed to bring his own box for their valentines.  I thought, "What?!"  That's half the fun of Valentine's Day!  Making your valentines box with your classmates so your parents don't have to do any work.  Don't teachers make us do enough?  So after reconciling this fact in my heart, we went to and Zach said he wanted this:

To which I immediately replied, "Oh, heck yeah!"  I love frogs.  Any way, the price was $9.99 for 12, and try as I could to tell myself it was totally worth it, I couldn't.  Because there's just no way I would ever need 12 of them.  I only have two kids in school, so then I would have ten more just lying around taking up more space.  He's so cute, though.  So Zach and I went to the craft store Saturday, got some green, orange, and black craft foam paper stuff (I don't really know what it's called), some googley eyes (which I lost, and had to go buy another pair), and foam letters with sticky backs.  Then I took the shoe box from his new shoes, and wa-la!

I know, I'm awesome, right!  When we got to the craft store, Zach informed me that he wanted his to be a firebelly toad, like George, so that's why his tummy is orange, and my hear punch wouldn't punch through the foam (it was too thick to fit in the slot), so I just used black paper instead.  The craft store didn't have green wrapping paper either, so I bought that wrapping paper instead.  Not very froggy, but it was spots, and firebelly toads have lots of spots.  Pretty crafty of me, eh?  Oh yeah, and I also made these for my primary class to give them a Valentine's Day treat on Sunday!

Pretty stinking cute aren't they?  They're love bugs with Skittles inside!  I have 9 boys in my primary class, so I am giving the remaining 3 to my boys.  Shhh!  It's a surprise.  They think I made all of them for my primary class because I said, "These are for my boys."  I was including them in that sentence, but they don't know that.  They were disappointed at the thought, but I love surprises, so he he he.


Michele said...

CUTE!! I love it. :)

Rach said...

Way to go! I love the frog box. I might steal that idea next year (because we have a fire-bellied toad, too.)

Wendy said...

Super cute. You are crafty!