Monday, May 17, 2010

A Really Bad, Terrible, No Good Day!

Just as I was finishing making dinner this evening, around seven o'clock, I hear Zach scream, "Ow! Ow!  I don't ever want to do that again!"  And then a lot of screaming/crying.  The next thing I know, Kurtis is running inside with Zachary crying in pain, and telling me he thinks he hurt Zach really bad.  I poked his leg, and prodded it.  Zachary still crying and screaming, "Yes, that hurts!"  I called my friend Becky, and asked if Riley and Kaleb could stay with her for a bit while we took Zach to the emergency room.  Her husband, Patrick, came over and helped Kurtis give him a blessing, and then he suggested I pack them some clothes, so if we were there awhile, they could just sleep over.  I did that, and kept telling Kurtis to calm down and quit freaking out.  Kurtis tried to get Zach as comfortable as possible in the car.  Putting pillows under his feet, a blanket, and an ice pack.  I while I was waiting for Patrick to get here, I was checking to see which hospital our insurance took.  I just wanted to be sure.   And Kurtis was jumping up and down yelling at me that we needed to get him to the hospital.  He was starting to annoy me a bit at that point.  I mean, seriously, if you are going to freak out, you are not going to be of any use to me.  When I told him Patrick was coming over to help him administer to Zach, he calmed down a bit.  But only enough to give Zach the blessing.
After going through and locking the house up, and turning lights off, we were off.  All of these tasks seemed a little unimportant as I was performing them, but I did them none the less.  Perhaps to help me stay calm.  If Kurtis was freaking out, one of us had to be the calm collected one, right?  Kurtis rode in the back of the car and tried to keep Zach calm.  We took him to the ER and waited to be seen.  They took x-rays (while he tried not to scream in agony), they put an IV in and gave him morphine.  Iced his leg to keep the swelling down.  The x-rays revealed that he has a spiral fracture on his lower right leg, just above his ankle.  Nothing is out of alignment, so he doesn't need surgery.  We are so grateful for that.  They wrapped his leg up in a splint.  He won't be going to school for a few days.  He is going to miss some of his end of year testing (for now).  He has crutches, and can't put any weight on his leg.  In three days, he will get checked to see if the swelling has gone down enough that he can get a cast put on it.  Poor Zach.  While we were at the hospital, Zach said, "This is a really sad day."  With tears streaming down his face. 
I guess what happened is that Kurtis and Zach were in the front yard playing soccer, and Kurtis slipped, and fell on Zach.  Until today, I had never really seen Kurtis cry.  I've seen tears well up in his eyes before, but he was so upset that he had hurt his baby.  When I looked at him, and realized that he was crying, I got teary-eyed, too.  But I couldn't let Zach see me cry.  I wanted to be strong for him, so I had to hold back my tears.  I was really hoping that he would never have to experience this kind of pain.  Broken bones are no fun.  No fun at all!  :(


Us said...

ouch! poor zach (and kurtis). i hope he gets feeling better soon.

Us said...

p.s. you are one brave momma. i would have been the one freaking out.

Michele said...

:( :( :( That is a terrible day. I hope Kurtis and Zach are feeling better. How long does he have to stay home and down?

Wendy said...

Oh no! Poor Zach. Poor Kurtis.

sweetlissybug said...

We are taking him to get his cast tomorrow. Hopefully the swelling will have gone down enough by 4, so he can get it on. Then I think (but I don't really know) that he can go back to school Thursday.