Saturday, June 12, 2010

Seriously? He's Five! Why Does He Care?

Sunday morning, as we were getting ready for church, Kaleb comes into my bathroom with tears in his eyes and says, "Mom, my hair looks stupid!"  It did not.  He had a few curls sticking straight up, but he looked fine.  I think I laughed.  I probably shouldn't have.  He is very sensitive about his hair for some reason.  So I finished up what I was doing, and combed his hair.  Then I asked him if he would like a hair cut so his hair doesn't do that any more.  He said he did, and I finally got around to calling Kristie Tuesday or Wednesday.  The appointment was for Friday.  I was supposed to get my hair colored (Kristie makes fun of me when I say  dyed), too, but I got food poisoning at about three in the morning, so I stayed in bed while Kurtis took all the boys to get their hairs cut.  Here is the before and after for my little hair conscientious guy.

I made his hair stick up here on purpose.  He has crazy hair like his dad.

He is much happier with his new look.  Although, he did tell me he wanted a mo hawk, but Aunt Kristie would not let him get one.  He he. :)


Jon and Emily said...

That is so funny! a Mohawk LOL :)

Stacey said...

Isn't crazy hair kind of the style? Just kidding! I like his haircut. I need to get Forest in to get his cut, too. He's hair grows so fast!!!

Michele said...

Very sweet. :) said...

AAWWW MOM! Let him have a mo hawk!

sweetlissybug said...

Why are you ragging on me? I wasn't there! :P