Sunday, May 29, 2011

Something I Love About Kaleb

This was our conversation just now:
Me:  "I ate all the Pringles."
Kaleb: "What?"
Me:  "I ate all the Pringles."
Kaleb:  "Aw!  Why didn't you save some for Zach?  He loves Pringles."
Me:  "He does?"
Kaleb:  "Yes.  Can I have the rest of the crumbs?"
Me: "Here you go."
About forty-five seconds later after I hear the sound of the garbage can clinking closed:
Kaleb (whispering):  "I ate all the crumbs."

I love that little man of mine.  Always thinking of others.  But never too far from thinking of himself as well! :)

1 comment:

Michele said...

:) :) :):) :) :)
that's a smile from each of us- Ana and Isaac are now walking around quoting your blog and giggling and saying how cute that was.