Sunday, January 8, 2012

Send Out A Sparkle Bright As the Dawn

December 15, 2011, Kaleb and I ran off to his school while his dad and brothers ran off to Pack Meeting.  Kurtis had to get there early because he is the assistant cub master.  I asked Kurtis to help me out because the Wolves were in charge of the flag ceremony, and my partner in crime was also going to be absent.  It's one of those days when you need a clone, but you don't have one, so you do the best you can.  I told Kurtis, Kaleb and I would come when his program was over.  It was only supposed to last half an hour.  True to their word, it was only 26 minutes (I know because of the time stamp on the video).  I edited out the technical difficulty that lasted about three minutes, and brought the show down to twenty-two minutes and forty-two seconds.  I'm surprised YouTube let me put a video on that exceeded their limit, but I did find a site that doesn't have a time limit, so maybe next time, I will try it out.   I hope you enjoy it because it was really cute!  I love having a video camera! :D

P.S.  I made most of the jingle bell necklaces the children are wearing.  Mrs. Jones gave me all the materials and I strung them together (I babysit Mrs. Jones' kids.  Kaleb is in Mrs. Gally's class).  Until I ran out of ribbon and donated a bunch of my own that I wasn't using.  I knew it would come in handy someday. Once again, the fact that I never throw anything  away came in to the rescue!

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