Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rest Your Head Close to My Heart

Holy old age, Batman!  My oldest kid is eleven!
Seriously.  Today is Zachary's birthday and he is eleven.  I love that boy so much it's hard to handle sometimes.
He is 4' 7 3/4".  He is the sweetest kid with the most tender heart.  I love his hugs.  I love his eyes.  I love pretty much everything about him.  He likes to feel grown up and try out new responsibilities.  Saturday, while I was at Jeremy's graduation, his dad taught him (and Riley) to mow the lawn for the first time.  When I asked him why he liked it, he said, "It's fun."  He loves to make funny faces and be silly with his dad and brothers.  Sometimes I have to remind them to calm down when they get out of hand.

 After my Stampin' Up! workshop (he said he was okay with me doing it on his birthday!), we sang to him.  Apparently I need to buy some candles and stop telling myself that we don't need those.

 He also likes to ruin my pictures. :)

 Birthday present from Grandma B.  "Thank you!  It's awesome!"

 Birthday present from the D. Family (cousins).  "Thanks!  I like some scary books."

 "That gift is the one I was most surprised about."  I think he likes it.  Kurtis told me it's a game he's wanted for a long time.  Zach doesn't really talk to me about games much.  My eyes start to glaze over.

 "Thanks, Grandma N. and Grandpa R.!  $30 is awesome!"

 "Thank you Great-Grandma S.!  I love you sooo much!"

 This is the cute poem she wrote him for his birthday. :)

"Thank you Great-Grandma D.!  I love you sooo much, too!"

I say this ever year, but I don't think I will ever stop saying this:  I am too young to have an eleven-year-old! ;D


abby said...

What a handsome boy! Eleven is old. You old fart. :)

I got a poem on my birthday from Grandma too and loved it so much. She is so sweet.

Shauna said...

Me to. Much to young and beautiful to have an 11 year old. :-)