Saturday, June 25, 2011

Apple Friend

Kaleb is into making faces on things.  He'll take his hamburger bun and pick out pieces of the top, so it makes a smiley face.  It's really cute.  I only get annoyed when he asks me to make a smiley face with his ketchup and I have already started swirling it all over his hamburger.
Today, his dad wanted to cut his apple so it would be easier for him to eat.  Before he would let his dad do this, he said, "Wait, I want to put a face in it."  Kurtis let him do this and, and afterwards, Kaleb said, "Look!  It's my apple friend!  Let's take a picture of Apple Friend."  We laughed, and complied.  We took a picture, and then Kurtis cut the apple in half.  Kaleb said, "I will always remember you, Apple Friend."

He's going to miss his apple friend.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Ah ha ha! That's so cute. :)